Thursday, December 9, 2010


I am totally confused talking about this "hypothetical" entity. Technically it is one of the 4 known dimensions. It is something which all of us keep track of and time is the only thing which cannot be reversed.

60 seconds = 1 min; 60 min = 1 HR; 24 HR = 1 Day, 7 Days = 1 Week; 52 Weeks = 1 Year; 100 years = 1 Century... and this goes on and on.

The Universe is 15 billion years old and still ticking. Whatever has a beginning also has an end and when is this time going to stop?

The Mayans predicted that their calendar ends on Dec 21st 2012 (which is actually the end of their cycle). But obviously that is just religion. What is time and how can it be controlled. I have read a lot about time and its measurement. But there is nothing tangible which can define it.

The more I study about time, the more I ponder whether we are living in a Virtual World like the Matrix. Everything starts to look fake and uncertain to me. I do not know how could Albert Einstein describe Time and even predict Time Travel.

This is the current topic for which I am totally clueless. How can you guys help me?

Love, NVG


N.V.G said...

Who has got an insight about TIME.

Try to explain that to me.

N.V.G said...

After reading "The Brief History of Time", I am sure that till now humans have not been able to clearly understand what TIME really is.

Experts like Einstein and Hawkins have developed lots of theories and priciples based on the time factor, but no-one has a clear cut idea, what it means, how it started and what is past, present and future?

TIME is an essential dimension of our universe and we as humans have existed for a very small time frame when considering the 15 billion years after Big Bang.

I agree that Time is relative, but I totally disagree that Time Travel is possible. Scientists such as Einstein have cleverly added the "Speed of Light" factor into Time so that time travel is nearly impossible.

I wonder, how come TIME has become such an essential attribute of this universe? Ones lifetime is not enough to grasp this concept.

Love, NVG