Wednesday, December 8, 2010


WOW a very known topic for everyone in this world. Everyone has known the stories about victory of Good over Evil; everyone knows what is good and evil, what merit is and what sin is.

All religions and social community lay down neat guidelines about good things to do and evil acts to avoid. Actually this starts with our parents, training us for doing good deeds and punishing us for doing something wrong/bad.

Good and evil are the 2 sides of the same coin. We all know that if there was no evil, then there was nothing good. If there is no Devil, then obviously there is no GOD. Right?

Common belief is that GOD represents all things which are good and righteous. The devil on the other hand is the wrong-doer and cause of all sin and tyranny in this world. Accepted.

But good and bad are relative things. What is good for one may be bad for another. Terrorism for one is Jihad for another. (No need to give more examples after that one).

What I want to say is that the good which we know might not be 100% good. Maybe it is bad in the eyes of our GOD. Or more importantly, what if GOD is the bad guy and "poor" Devil is the one trying hard to rescue us.

We never know because we are blinded by one very good thing called "faith". The faith which we developed through living in a community of people having the same faith. Father to son transfer of faith. There are many of us (so called reborn ones), who are one step ahead and that is they have discovered their faith themselves and not under the influence of others.

Faith tells us that GOD is good. But for one second, let us try to reverse the whole system. Try to imagine a GOD (cunning and deceitful), who is obsessed with "Punishment" (this is the topic of my next blog). He lays down rules for humans, he sends prophets and messiah to "gather" men and construct his community.

What if the Devil is the good one but not strong enough to overcome the power and plans of GOD?
What if all the good things written in the scriptures are means to divert the thinking of mankind?

If the scriptures say that the Devil is deceitful and maybe this time he is posing as the GOD of mankind to deceive everyone.

My purpose with this blog is not to cause heresy, but to open a new window in our "blind faith". So that we can know what is good and what is evil. In the Garden of Eden, when Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit, that time, their eyes opened and they could judge between what is good and what is evil. This is the only consolation we get from the Bible that maybe what we think is good might really be good. (See I contradicted myself).

In view of the above arguments, is it a good idea for us to be neutral (rather than taking sides with either GOD or Devil)? Do you think that you are doing the right thing (provided you know what is right and what is wrong)?

Love, NVG

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