Sunday, December 19, 2010

Prayers & Worship

It is very difficult to prove but my understanding is that the prayers which people say are reaching no-one. There is no-one who is hearing and answering our prayers.

Actually to start with I want to tell you guys that when I was a teenager, I actually gave a sermon in our church about Prayers. I said that each prayer is answered. Sometime what we have prayed for happens and that means GOD accepted our prayers in the affirmative and if what we asked did not happen, then it simply means that this was not GOD's wish. So in any case you know that your prayers were answered; either in a YES or NO.

Very powerful logic used above and it works for many of us. But of late, I have applied mathematics and found that this is more of a chance game than anyone really assisting us.

Take for example, I have final exams coming soon. I need to work hard and study well to pass. Obviously, all students pray for good marks too. Therefore it is a fact that prayers and hard-work go together during ever exams for each student.

Now I wondered, if prayers were really that powerful, why not just pray and let GOD help me pass (without studies). We all know that this is rubbish. We need to study or we will fail. Many will also say that "God helps those who help themselves". Very powerful and well-known saying that is.

So, another logic I had to apply. In my class, I was not the brightest. It was some Hindu boys who took the top 10 spots. I wondered why "their GOD" answered their prayers and made them the toppers, while my GOD was so reluctant to help me reach the top spot. I did not leave any stone unturned in prayers and neither do I think that I was not putting in the correct level of efforts. But still my GOD lacked something which the Hindu GOD was good at.

Then the final solution I found about this was that every man is born with some "skills" (in this case academic intelligence). The topper students were able to grasp and remember things better than me. They were able to score better with their better memory and pattern of studying. I was lacking those skills. Any amount of prayers could not set the equation right.

In my previous blogs named "Destiny", I have mentioned about this set of skills which each human possesses. These skills make him/her the winner or the looser. Prayers are just a psychological tool to keep the mind contented.

So, I conclude that there is no GOD who is answering my prayers. There is no use of the prayers and worship which we offer because it is reaching no-one. Most of the prayers are basically rituals which we are following because they are part of our lives. The difference between the winner and the looser is basically the attitude, planning and hard-work.

I define success as a combination of the following 3 traits:
1) Attitude: This is the right frame of mind, able to think productively.
2) Planning: No success without planning and able to fore-see problems.
3) Hard-work: The right efforts in the right directions in the right time.

No luck or prayer can beat this. So, my question is "Why to waste our time in prayers and worship?" Prayers just make us dependent and give us an excuse to blame GOD for our failures.

Love, NVG


Joe Philip said...

Yeap.. It feels nice to have somebody on which we can blame for our failures. And by your hypothesis, that prayers wouldn't reach anyone, I can safely assume that it wouldn't hurt anyone too.. :-)
People don't express just because they want someone to hear them. They talk (or pray) because it is a basic drive of human mind.
Why do those who are going to suicide, after loosing all hope, decides to take a pen and write something called 'suicide note'? The eager to express is inherent in human. And they have right to do so.. Gods, Temples and Cathedrals are all for men, not for Gods..

N.V.G said...

Very well said Joe and I agree with your completely.

Somwhere deep down, humans are still the social animals with everyone knowing that they cannot do everything. They need to colaborate, help each other and co-opertate to survive. If I cannot do anything, I will ask a friend for help; if he cannot help, I woudl ask the expert and a "devine being" like GOD is the ultimate expert and helper. Therefore the necessity for a helper and leader, led to the wonderful philosophy of religion.

Anyway, prayers are still powerful because they help in introspection and meditation. Both of these things help in reduction of stress and helping in concentration at work and study.

Love, NVG

Anonymous said...

Prayer is by many considered a dialogue. It is a long process to first be still. The hardest part is closing your minds from the world so you can concentrate on your innerself.

Prayer activity requires self-analysis. The person who decides to end his/her life decided his/her value is nothing. The question is who decided self worth. It is the individual- self realization.

Unknown said...

It may be wrong to say that prayers are not answered or prayers are not listened to by anyone. When we read religion, we should understand that what is said is not literally true but is said in metaphors

When you pray, its a sort of meditations. Meditation is, as is proved from earlier times through the power the sages had, to empower oneself. When you pray you speak to your self conscious, but you speak to it only when your prayers are deep. We have all known that the sub-conscious mind is very powerful and we are in our conscious state only able to use a small percentage of it

Now to the question whether God exists on not. There is a supreme power which created matter. Since what science says matter can neither be created nor destroyed, there has to be God to have created some form of matter in the first place

I do agree with the hypothesis that God does not control our daily lives. But it is like a software written by a programmer. He may not necessarily be around for intervening in things, the software does on its own. His software takes care of all contingencies. Now to the question where His software is. His software is present in all of us, in all matter. Its what see to a small extent in quantum physics and gentics

N.V.G said...

Thanks Danny,

I agree with everything you said, except that our prayers are really reaching anyone other than us.

You are right about the power of the mind, the power of meditation and introspection. The mind is a very powerful and mysterious thing, which has many hidden facets which we are not aware of this time. Prayers and meditation (in general) are a great-way to polish the sub-consious being.

I also agree that there is a creator of all this. The could be a source of all that is visible and invisible. That is another mystery to be discussed later.

GOD has left all of us on our own (let me put it is a more harsh way - GOD has abandoned the human-race).

Our prayers are not reaching anyone and there is no devine intervention anytime in recorded history. Everything is happening either due to a conicidence or as a result of human actions.

Consider a situation where a family member is seriously ill. The probability of that person to be cured is same if the family is praying to Jesus Christ or praying to Lorg Hanuman. Prayers offered to even a stone idol has the sam probability as that offered to any other GOD.

It all points to the situation of abandonment. The curing of the ill is mostly a matter of luck or hard-work of the doctors. Prayers are of no use in the overall process.

But I agree that meditation and introspection are greet tools to sharpen the concious and clense the mind.


Loven NVG