Tuesday, December 7, 2010


This is the most important topic which normal humans cannot even comprehend. If one understands the dimensions, then he/she becomes GOD.

What are the known dimensions?
1) Length (x-axis)
2) Width (y-axis)
3) Height (z-axis)
4) Time

All the four have been neatly defined and explained in the 20th century through the works of many physicists.

But I am sure, this is not the exhaustive list of dimensions existing in the universe. Discovering and understanding the other dimensions would clear all mysteries boggling the human mind for centuries.

These are just my hypothesis which will prove many things and would obviously prove a lot of my previous assumptions/theories wrong:

- "Antimatter" Dimension

There is matter and then there is anti-matter (made of the reverse charge elements). Our known universe is made of "matter" only. But as science proves that if there is matter, then ought to have anti-matter. In this universe, there is both positive and negative existing with equal strength.

Therefore, there is somewhere in this universe, within a different dimension, a whole new universe made of entirely anti-matter. The laws of physics would be same there but maybe the direction is reversed.

The only problem with entering such a dimension is that we or anything which we have made is made of matter and matter is destroyed instantaneously upon contact with anti-matter. Now the big question is how we can explore such an anti-matter world.

- “Spirit” Dimension
I feel shy saying this but if there is life, then there is anti-life (a purgatory/ghost world/etc.) which is inhabited by non-earthly beings. Maybe that is where people go after they die. This is sort of embarrassing but if there is any ghost world then it has to be in a parallel dimension of ours.

- “Alien” Dimension
In one of my previous blogs, I mentioned that Aliens and extraterrestrial life is very difficult to find in this universe. Maybe because we are not searching in the right dimension? Maybe they are hidden behind a curtain and living happily in their dimension (not bothering us on the other side). Are Black-holes and Worm-holes the gates between these 2 worlds.

- “Divine” Dimension

If there is a GOD, then maybe he has his own dimension which is totally invisible to all of us. Maybe he is happy to see and observe us from behind his “one way glass” curtain. We cannot see through to the other side but he has vision of what is happening in this dimension. That is the only scientific explanation which can somehow prove the existence of a divine being. Humans have checked everywhere for GOD and could not find him or prove him. A separate dimension could be the only option here.

I am not GOD and I know that understanding what these dimension imply is humanly impossible. There could be more than what I just mentioned. I cannot even imagine what Dimensions have in store for us. We do not even know how we can traverse through them and what to expect when we cross over.

But one disappointing fact is that we do not have any help from anywhere in this universe in understanding these seemingly difficult concepts. Our scientists and thinkers (read NVG) are left alone with their guess-work and assumptions.

I need help to know more (about the hidden dimensions) than what I know now.

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