Thursday, December 9, 2010

The Merciful or Merciless GOD

The Merciful or Merciless GOD
Another of my anti-faith blogs coming your way.
God is merciful to those who believe in HIM. On the other hand, he is a merciless punisher to those who oppose HIM and HIS people. I hope that this is something which we all agree upon.
We all know about the kindness which GOD has showered on humans at different historical times. But here I am highlighting those particular instances, when “as per the Bible and other religious scriptures” GOD has allowed (read commanded) blood-shed and destruction.
1)      The Israelites killed and destroyed all cities which lay in their path on their way (during Exodus) to the promised-land. GOD commanded every man, woman and child to be killed in those cities because they were “infidels” & idol-worshippers.
2)      The complete destruction of the Egyptian army, who tried to stop the Israelites from leaving Egypt (during Exodus).
3)      The destruction of Gomorrah and Sodom with fire.
4)      The destruction and 7 curses on Egyptians during Moses time.
5)      The great flood of Noah, where the whole creation was almost destroyed.
6)      The brutal and painful execution of Jesus Christ (as seen in the movie “The Passion of the Christ”).
There are many more of such violent records of punishment directed from GOD.  GOD is the life-giver and as per his pact with humans, we are allowed to have our own free-will. Then why such punishment?
Why is GOD not merciful to sinners? (I will discuss the concept of Sin in my next blog). Why the punishment? Why not even the babies were spared? When everyone tries to overlook at the brutal side of the divine, I am wondering, what sort of bloody punishment is in store for me for my “bold queries”?
And in the end, I want to contradict myself (to give you guys a chance to know that NVG is not always right).  “GOD’s thinking and the plan for mankind is totally incomprehensible for the human mind. If we can think like GOD, then we are GOD. And if GOD starts thinking like humans, then HE is not GOD. We can never understand HIM with our human minds. Our brains are too negligible before HIS!!”
Love, NVG

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