Monday, December 6, 2010

Time Travel

The biggest hoax of our generation. What the great scientists of the early 20th century predicted and what Mr. Albert Einstein proved through his "Theory of Relativity".. is all but a dud.

Theoretically speaking, this is all so fascinating to know that time-travel is possible by curving the space so that we can travel through worm-holes and what not.

My only reason is "if time-travel is practically possible sometime in the future, why has no-one from the future ever visited us in our span of recorded history?" Why has there been no Terminator from the future?

That means that even in the future, time travel would one of the other un-proved theories of this world.

Love, NVG

January 5th, 2010

I have been reading the "A Brief History of time" by Dr. Stephen Hawkings and I got help in completing one assumption that I had developed some time back regarding Time Travel. The credit for this goes to the studies done by scientiest as mentioned in that book.

So this is how my analysis goes:

I was wondering how can one mathematically show negative time. I mean if we can go backword in time, then it would be like "Negative Time". At least this is necessary for proving that Time Travel is possible.

All of us know that Acceleration = Distance / (Time x Time). I would need some images to show the formula properly.

Now to consider putting a minus on both the sides.

Now we move the time component on the left of the equation.

Now Negative time is equal to the Square Root of (Distance/accelation).

-> Distance can be negative (like walking backwords on a straight line).
-> Acceleration can be negative like in decelaration (reduction of speed).

This is where I got stuck.

Then after reading the "The brief history of time", I got the information about Real & Imaginary numbers (which are part of the Complex Number Mathematics).

Complex Numbers have a part which is a square root of a negative number. Such numbers are called Imaginary numbers since they do not exist in nature but can be proved mathematically.

Now consider that into my pending equation. I can see that Negative Time is possible if the Distance and Acceleration are represented in Imaginary numbers.

-t = (d/a)i               [i = iota = imaginary part = Square root of -1]

There are 2 results from this equation:

1) If we can somehow discover Complex Numbers in nature, we can then try to use that to relate to Distance and Accelation and therefore go back in time.

2) Maybe time-travel is a big bull-shit and that is only possible in imagination.

But mathematically negative time is possible with this simple equation. There can be other more complex mathematical equations which could be able to define negative time much more precisely. But this is one interesting equation, I have figured out.

What do you say?

Love, NVG


Joe Philip Ninan said...

Lack of proof doesn't disprove anything...
For example, the fact that we have no contact with any extra terrestrial organisms so far doesn't prove they don't exist...
Who knows... may be our notion of time itself may change in future...

N.V.G said...

Thanks Joe for commenting and I want to agree with you.

You are right about existence of Extraterrestrial life. Actually in my next blog about Dimensions, I have clearly mentioned that alien life might exist and the reason we are not able to find them is maybe we are looking in the wrong dimension. Maybe they are in a different dimension which we now do not know about.

Since you commented about alien life in my Time Travel blog, I want to also make it clear that unlike dimensions which run parallel, each dimension has its own time line. For example the time line for our earth and our dimension is one-directional only. We cannot move backword in our time. That would be illogical. Maybe in an another dimension (like where aliens might exist), there would be another time line.

What do you have to say? I would love to hear your comments.

Love, NVG

Joe Philip Ninan said...

True, May be.. But why should we worry about aliens in other dimensions, when we haven't proved they don't exist in the universe we can see or contact? We have so far discovered about 500 extra solar planets within the neighborhood of about 200 light years.
The estimate of the total exoplanets is much larger than that, from the mass abundance distribution we have got so far.
Our present technology doesn't have enough power to study or directly see not even a single one of them. We discovered them by observing indirect effects of their presence on parent star.
Which means, we are far far away from saying anything about the surface of those planets. Even if an alien civilization exist there, we have no technology to check their presence.
Well, the abovew paragraph is a little out of context to this blog. But what I am trying to say is that, humans are far away from the position from which they can make any comments..
By the way, the multi dimensions are not predictions of Modern Physics. They are some hypothesis and axioms based on which many things can be explained. Which is why many people like Feynman didn't agree with the string theorists and other multidimensional theories..

N.V.G said...

Dear Joe,

Nice to debate with you. Thanks for the comments. I learnt a lot from what you mentioned in your last comment.

A very sad part of all this is that we humans are very backword in technology to explore the universe and search for extraterrestrial life. Even sadder to know is that if any aliens exist in our dimension, then they are technoloigically backward than us. That is why not even they have responded to our SETI signals.

By the way, do you believe in UFO's?

Love, NVG

Anonymous said...

Just a couple of comments:
1. The equation of time you derive is the representation of the past (-d). It does not mean time travel as in -d or +d, time is always +ve for you!

2. Complex numbers and imaginary numbers are real! That means, if you do any electronic circuit analysis, u will always need to use complex numbers to get it correct. If you do ordinary dynamics, u will encounter it. What is imaginary is only our interpretation of what it really is!!

-Sajeeth Philip

N.V.G said...

Thanks Sajeeth Achacha for the comment. Actually I have corrected something in my last equation and marked that in RED in my post.

It is like this:

-t = (d/a)i
where -t = negative of time.
d = distance travelled in a a positive direction.
a = acceleration
i = Imaginary part of root of -1.

Thanks for telling me that complex numbers are part of electronics. Since we know that i exists, then in that case -t (negative of time) can exist too.

Why did you say that for me time is always positive. -t represents moving back in time.

Kindly correct me.

Love, NVG