Monday, January 3, 2011


HOPE is a very powerful thing. This is one of the 4 basic instincts of all organisms. To clarify, what the 4 basic instincts are:
a) Nutrition: to keep one alive.
b) Reproduction: to keep one's species alive.
c) Territory: to keep/protect one's area/territory.
d) Hope: the feeling that things would be better in the future.

Consider a "brain-less" snail, which keeps on dragging itself in a direction, depending on its premitive senses in the hope of finding some food or even a mate.

Every organizm has some form of hope, whether they know it or not. HOPE is the essense of life. And since humans are on the top of the evolutionary tree, HOPE has the highest value for us, humans.

We shall overcome.. we shall overcome.. we shall overcome.. someday!
So deep in my heart, I do believe.. that we shall overcome.. someday!!

Such wonderful inspiring words from a great poet. It shows how important a good feeling is, for our existense. The world is hoping for a peaceful future where everyone has enough to eat and enough oppurtinities to develop. Quite a good hope that we all carry.

Religion is the bandwagon, which carries all our hopes. Humans, found out that things would never be better, when left in the hands of other fellow humans. The only hope is to have a super-natural being who can carry this load and give us the true sense of HOPE.

Thus, it became that "GOD is HOPE". GOD is primarily a great help in the survival of the humans (through the continuity of the eternal HOPE).

It is a wonderful feeling and from my perspective, believers are really happy people. It has been proved in some statistical research, that people who believe in GOD and pray daily, actually live happier lives (compared to the atheists). This is truelly wonderful and there are serious reasons behind that. The greatest reason is HOPE.

By placing all hopes of a better future and blessings, we humans can continue with our daily lives in a more "worry-free" manner. GOD is there to share the problems and responsibilities. The UNSEEN HELP, the OMNIPRESENT PROTECTOR, etc; all these are very HOPE-inspiring traits of any religion.

Be it any religion, the idea and basic essence of all of them is HOPE. The hope that things would be better than today.

Prayers are the means of communication with the GOD, which shows how much we hope for things to be better and how much we trust in our "Eternal Hope".


Love, NVG

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