Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Are we alone in this universe?

In school, we were taught that there are literally millions of "earth-like" planets in the vast universe. And that meant millions of places where life could have originated. At that time, I believed this theory that the humans could not be alone in this universe. Seeing the vastness of the universe, there were possibility of alien civilizations in existence.

I have heard about the UFOs and the close encounter theories. I have also read science fiction and watched all major alien movie. I was 100% sure that one day, there would be a "real" contact with the aliens and this has been my belief for more than 15 years now.

But of late, I have started contemplating and studying about whether this could be true or is it another wishful thinking which man has developed under the influence of the mass-media. I guess the mass-media has shaped 90% of the ideologies of the current generation (from belief in aliens to knowledge about HIV-AIDS). We are so much influenced by these that we think that it could be true.

So, I blocked my mind which told me that aliens existed and with a "clean slate" I tried to find the arguments for & against this theory of "Extraterrestrial Life".

But here I want to express the ideas/reasoning which tells me now that the possibility of extraterrestrial life is really miniscle.

1) SETI (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence) has been reading the skies for almost 50 years now in search of any sound wave which might originate from an intelligent civilization. We have been transmitting important messages in various forms into the skies to try to get a response from someone. But it has all resulted in "ZERO" successful events. Apart from a few hoaxes, there has been no sightings in the last 50 years. The former director of SETI had even stated that life anywhere other than earth might not be possible (as it may seem).

2) UFO's are more of a conspiracy theories than any real evidence. I have spend countless nights gazing into the night skies but there has been no discoveries. All the videos of UFO spotting are fake and hoaxes. There has been no clear video evidence other than optical illusions or camera malfunction.

3) Till some months back I believed that the crop circles were the concrete proof of an intelligent designer from outer space. But that too was proved wrong when I studied the wikipedia explanation about Crop Circles. They were painstakingly created by experts.

4) From ancient mythology of India, Cambodia and even Peru, it looked to me that the GODS came down in their space-ships and taught the early humans how to do argiculture and laid down rules and regulations of a social living. The devine concepts of GOD, Trinity, heaven, hell, special powers and miracles all pointed to so extra-earth beings who worked wonders and influenced the philosophy of early civilizations. But this is all too good to be true.

There are many more such points which I know but would not state because of lack of concrete reasons. But since this is my first blog, I would like to keep it an open discussion. As and when I get better understanding, I would update on this topic. I would say that I get a lot of knowledge and infromation from the Wikipedia site which is like the bible of all human information.

Let us see what people have to discuss here on this particular topic. I am also preparing for another quite interesting topic called "Dimensions" which is a contradictions (or maybe the real answer) to all these mysteries we are unable to understand.

Love, NVG


JTT said...

Hi Vineet,
A very good start. I really liked your views and can be a very good point for discussion.

In my personnel opinion we are not alone in this entire Universe. There may be other planet which has a favorable condition like our earth. There may be life out there. That’s the reason Extraterrestrial is till today is a subject of research. May be in future Human Intelligence will figure it out.

I had chance to read this article and would like to share

So it does give a hope that we are not alone and our neighbors do visit us.

John Thomas T

N.V.G said...

Thanks JTT for that optimistic opinion about life on other planets.

Scientists and space explorers have been getting excited every time they encounter a new planet or a star and then the whole media simply makes a scoop out of it. In the end, it just dies down. This is what has happened for the last 6 decades.

Inherently, every single human being is eagerly waiting for some news about aliens. Space and it frontiers are the biggest mystery for men of this age and therefore extraterrestrial life is a hot topic.

But as I have put in my blog, this is not going to be true. If life had existed, we would have found them by now. Or they would have found us by now.

But as like all others, I would like to be proved wrong.. I am waiting for that "first contact" ;)

Love, NVG

Anonymous said...

Every life form (man, plants, animals) goes through it's time and instead of dying as we see it, can it be a change to a different state of life? The concept of if something is living or dead is based on the perspective of the person.

Energy (life) can not be created or killed. The energy is transformed from one phase to another. Regardless of where the energy is, it leaves us to beleive that our concept of death is a trasfer of energy not the absense of life.

Our minds have yet determine the identify of many things, but we can see the signs of all that is created and not seen as the work of a creator.

Some of man's past conclusion were wrong ( earth being flat and the Sun rotate around the Earth) and continues to be updated.

We will know the questions of life as we think, but the true answer now is to live and know that the universe has a master planner.

N.V.G said...

Thanks anonymous for the good thoughts.

It is good to believe in a super-natural being as the creator or master planner.

Then the questions (or the "Ultimate Question") would be who created this Master Planner. Then it would be another "circular loop" with no conclusion.

I know a lot of "intellectual" people believe in GOD merely because it is the safe option and there is no harm in doing that. If after death, they meet GOD, then well and good, otherwise if nothing happens, then nothing is lost.

Your explanation of Life as energy is very theological. If after death, life changes form, then indirectly you are indicating that there are ghosts, spirits, soul and even after-life.

I am sure that the answers to these eternal question all lie somewhere deep in the universe. It would be humanly impossible to crack these questions by ourselves.

I would like you to explain about the questions I have raised.