Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Christians BEWARE!!!!

It is clearly written in several places in the New Testament of the Bible that in the "End of Days", there would be several "imposters" or "fakes" who would appear in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. They would perform miracles and proclaim their version of the gospels.

Jesus and (particularly) St. Paul have warned all believers to be careful and do not fall in their trap. These so called "prophets" would be using the name of Jesus and the Church which HE established to lure away the believers into mistaken beliefs and false Christianity.

Let us try to put question marks on the emergence of the following sects of Christianity and they way they have grown with their "mistaken" belief of being the real "Masihi"

1) The Pentecostal Community
2) Pota Fathers & their "miracles"
3) 7th Day Adventists
4) Influential Preachers like Dr. D.G.S Dinakaran of Jesus Calls, Chennai
5) All other smaller modern churches.

Even though, most of the above "Preachers" may be perceived as harmless and rather helpful for the growth of spiritual Christianity, I would still put them in the same brackets of FAKE.

If the Bible is to be believed, then it has to be believed in the literal sense. There must not be any special interpretation, other than what is literally written there. I would discuss on this matter in my next blog.

For now, I am taking the "clear-cut" warning seriously and openly disapproving the existence of the many pastors and preachers who have molded the Bible to facilitate the division of the Church of Jesus. Most of these "new age" preachers have unknowingly done grave sin in the name of preaching the true version of Christianity.

BEWARE because the end is near!!

Love, NVG

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