Tuesday, February 8, 2011


I have read the "A brief history of Time" by Dr. Stephen Hawkings, 2 times. This I did to try to understand the origin of the universe (which is explained in the most layman language).

It clearly says that the universe might have started with the Big Bang and could possibly end with the Big Crunch.

TIME, which is my mystery dimension, is explained to have its origin with the Big Bang. The universe started from a immensely dense dot, which exploded. So, there was nothing like SPACE & TIME before the Big Bang.

Afterwards, I started pondering how come 15 million years have gone by and why are SPACE and TIME so enormous. I started to think with my spiritual mind and pondered why are we (the humans) so insignificant in the scale of SPACE (where everything is measures in LIGHT-YEARS) and TIME (which is in billions of years) when considering the universe.

GOD is the only element here who could have started all this and sustained this. But for this to happen, we need to assume that:
1) SPACE and TIME are the dimensions specific to our universe only.
2) GOD is in a different dimension which does not have SPACE and TIME limitations. Maybe there are some other dimensions in HEAVENS (or maybe "Heaven" itself is the name of that dimension).
3) GOD is not affected by TIME. That means the 15 billion years after "The Big-Bang" has no bearing on GOD. He is totally oblivious and untouched by the passage of time.

Based on this assumption, the following can be deduced:
1) From the perspective of GOD, creation might not be that long time ago.
2) Maybe the 6 days of creation spanned billions of human (earthy) years. For God, it might be just the 7 days (or it is just a human interpretation of the creation time-frame).
3) There must be a practical limit to the Space-time of the current Universe where the Space & Time ends or loops back to zero.

Consider the analogy from the animated movie "Horton hears a Who". The movie is about a whole "unknown universe" inside a speck. Horton (who is an elephant) rescues this speck and therefore saves the universe existing within that speck. Similarly, the universe, which we see, might be contained in some bigger container in which GOD resides.

It is difficult for me to imagine that the current universe is endless and that time is endless too. Both of them might actually be curved in such a way that it loops back to itself. [This is taken from the book I read]. 

Just like the surface of earth, which is completely spherical. For a person on earth, there is no boundary or limit on the surface of earth. One can go round and round endlessly, without realizing that they have looped back to the start.

Similarly, we can safely assume that the existing universe is spherical in 4 dimensions. It loops back to itself and we are so insignificant that we cannot even comprehend this loopback. Because of the forces of nature and the colossal scales of existing Space and Time, the numbers are too much for us. But maybe for GOD, these scales are not significant. The universe might not be that big as we fear.

4) The BigBang can be therefore be externally stimulated by GOD for the start of creation. Since then it seems a very long time. But GOD is not affected by the time, since there is no time dimension in heaven. Therefore for GOD, creation might not even be a thing of the past. But I agree that thinking about the heaven, where there is no time is beyond my physical capability.

5) That also could eliminate birth and death in heaven because nobody ages there. Whatever and whoever is there, in the Heaven, lives for eternity. Time has stood still in the full literal sense.

Love, NVG


Anonymous said...

wonderful observation!

Time and Space is based on math. Maybe the big question can be, should the year be based on the earth rotation around the sun or some other counting method?

Life is a hard fact.

N.V.G said...

Thank you anonymous for your comments.

I am now in a position to present my hypothesis about GOD and the origin of the universe and why we all are here.

Wait for my next blog on this subject. I hope that would interest you. It would be called "The Scientific Theory of GOD".

Love, NVG